ToolShare So Far

An illustration of a forested valley with a sunset in the centre, between the hills, all emerging from the pages of an open book.

As you may know, we launched our ToolShare platform on the 31st of May – meaning we’re days away from our 6-month mark – so in celebration we’re bringing you our highlights and updates, starting with staff news!

Starting strong is David (Founder), who has slowly been worn down and has finally submitted to officially adding “Slay” to his daily vocabulary. Gen-Z’s everywhere are so proud of you David. Matthew (IT) destroyed a room in his house, in the name of DIY, this summer. I personally haven’t seen any updates, but let’s all pray for his wife, and a speedy DIY project end. If you haven’t heard Caleb’s (Operations) newest EDM track ‘Trojan’, then what are you doing with yourself?  Miguel (Sales) is still a silly goose. In the spirit of this summer’s hit movie ‘Barbie’ Kenny (HR) has changed his name to “Just Ken”. As for me – Alana (Marketing), I’ve recently taken up drumming classes and it’s 100% gone to my head and I’m currently feeling invincible and will be taking no feedback.

A shiny new platform 

First things first, thank you to everyone who has reached out with questions and concerns. The team have been working hard each week to find solutions; one being our new platform hosting service!

Our switch to Tradely has been carefully deliberated and we’re excited to say that we are now able to personalise our ToolShare platform to be even more user friendly and we’re able to utilise certain features that can offer better tool security.


Want in on a little secret? 

We’ve secured your tools – no more worrying about sharing your tools to fellow DIY lovers! After scouring high and low through insurance options and slamming our heads against walls we’ve found a sweet spot that allows tool owners to sit back and relax in the knowledge that we’ve got everything covered. So, what are you waiting for now?

Join our tool sharing community in a few clicks of a button and see what you can do through reducing waste and contributing to your local community!

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