The Story Of Us

A decorative image depicting a person reading the story of ToolShare's origins.

So how did we get here?

Watch out, this is about to get personal because this story starts with me…

It’s no secret I’m an active Christian. Some time ago, I asked God who He wanted me to become, and He gave me a very clear vision, but it was hard to reach. So, I came back to Him, and I was given some smaller stepping stones to personally develop (Trust me I need them ?). All this came to me during the pandemic. I felt prompted to leave my very stable job at a national supermarket and learn how to run my own business.

It took me some time to build courage and make a move in a time where people were clinging tighter to any job they could get, but suddenly an opportunity presented itself… Hundreds of redundancies hit Morrisons and my team was selected to reduce head count. I was working elsewhere in the business, but the changes still affected me. I knew I could keep my job but when God tells you something twice, it’s for a good reason. So, I voluntarily left and set up my own business and waited for my first client. And that’s where this story begins…

It took me 9 months, turning down job offers and seeing past concerns from family and friends. If there’s something I learned from this period, it’s that the easiest offer isn’t necessarily the right offer: know your value, good things come to those that wait. This was a growth time for me and watching our resources would have created fear but I was following a divine pattern for my life so I knew it would turn out OK. I built faith, spent some time learning about myself and also how to run a company: a real eye opener for me. ToolShare is the 2nd of 4 milestones on my journey. However, after receiving the idea, I sat still for over a year expecting things to come to life on their own. It was only last year that I started making some small steps, making some designs.

A little encouragement for all:

Your goals only get closer when you take steps towards them.

As soon as I started moving, everything I needed gravitated towards me. People appeared that I didn’t know I needed to speak to, ideas came to me, opportunities appeared. I then met Miguel, who was trying to find work. He needed UK experience, and I had a project that would stretch him perfectly. We then added Matt, a talented and experienced developer. Matt then suggested Caleb, who has some next level design skills; Caleb then spoke to Alana for marketing input, as well as Kenny for legal and HR experience and here we are today having launched a platform we’re proud of; something we didn’t know we were capable of.

I wake up each day both excited and scared to run this platform. We are running at a pace that doesn’t make sense, but it will. I have a good feeling this will be more successful than we anticipated, and we will be able to do tremendous good with the results. However, even if it’s not… we have already succeeded. Look at what we’ve accomplished together, despite the unusually trying circumstances we’ve all faced in opposition. I am surrounded by experts who are unlocking their potential in new ways and growing with me. I’m grateful for them all. Between us we have experience in design, marketing, customer journey, HR, legal, finance, graphics, management, social media, development, testing, project management and most of us experience the usual lack of good DIY tools that everyone does. Since the initial design work, I’ve set my focus on the business aspects, creating a business model that works for everyone.

Thanks for reading and some special thanks go out to Glyn, Alex, Claire, Tom, Jeff, Lauren, Jonathan, Hannah, Keith, Jay, Steph, Nathan and all those who have helped us along the way, especially the support from our own families.

Join us on our journey today, head to ? We also post regularly across our socials, so be sure to stay tuned!

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