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The manufacturing and production sectors contribute to one fifth of the worlds carbon emissions. These sectors consume 54% of the worlds energy sources.
Scary numbers, right? Let’s talk about reducing them…
2023 is officially the year of thrifting (buying second hand) and being kinder to our planet… which is where ToolShare comes in. The relationship between sustainability and ToolShare encompasses two important concepts: reducing waste and promoting a more sustainable future.
Tool sharing is the practice of sharing tools and equipment with others instead of buying new ones; reducing waste and saving money. Sustainability is the practice of using resources in a way that doesn’t harm the environment or deplete its natural resources.
Okay, let’s talk ToolShare…
Sustainability is a core company value at ToolShare, we believe that simply campaigning and raising awareness for climate change isn’t enough anymore. In today’s climate, the impact of co2 emissions on our world is becoming increasingly problematic. We think environmental focused Instagram posts are just the starting point; we need to start putting sustainability at the forefront of our minds and start making a difference.
Our online peer to peer platform was created with this in mind, where people can share tools and equipment. Our intention is to reduce the need to buy new tools and the number of old tools being thrown away that may still be in good condition – decreasing the demand for manufacturing new tools.
Keep an eye on our socials to stay up-to-date on what we’re doing for climate action and how you can get involved.
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