Company Updates

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An illustration depicting a group of four people in a business meeting.

The ToolShare platform has been live for 6 weeks! And we’ve been listening…

Thank you so much for the valuable feedback provided and helping us to improve our service! ❤️

There are 2 themes we keep hearing:

– How safe are my tools?
– I don’t have time to rent my tools

These are great points!

We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to explore traditional and innovative routes to guarantee your tools are safe from damages and theft. Currently we are exploring product guarantees, optional tool insurance, self-insurance, deposit holding, live image capture, user verifications, waivers, tracking technology and more. A shout-out to our insurance partner, Partners&, who are working hard to secure an insurance deal that suits everyone!

We are also working hard to make the transaction and listing processes as seamless as possible to give you more time sharing tools instead of managing them. We are currently looking at QR code scanning, useful reminders, tool detail matching and more.

However, we want to hear your ideas… so, keep the feedback rolling! We’re keen to make this platform work harder and smarter for our users. Please click here to get in touch.

In other news…

The team is currently working on releasing an Android/iOS application to access the platform across mobile devices.

We are also redesigning our corporate website’s look and feel, to better match the platform and create a uniform experience across ToolShare.

In marketing we are trying harder to reach a wider audience across new social platforms, Lemon8 and Threads. We are also learning what times/days are the best to reach our audiences. The team is working on a summer surprise too… Stay tuned!

In the background we have improved our user interaction, launching our new chat bot feature to resolve queries and also plugging in a new CRM tool to make sure every user contact is managed to the high standard we expect.

We’ve been working on our short and long term business strategies and made some changes to our internal people structure to streamline the way we work and align our aims. We hope you’ll benefit from the outputs of these workstreams soon.

The way we work truly holds the customer at the centre. Your ideas shape our actions.

Thank you for your feedback! We’re working hard to make ToolShare a better platform for you. Let’s hear your ideas on building trust within the ToolShare marketplace and streamlining the listing process.

Send us your feedback here, we’re looking forward to hearing from you! 😊


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